How to start a trial use


        Hello, friend!

Welcome to We are very glad that you decide to have a trial of LiveReception. Here we have a trial procedure for your consideration. Hope you can get a nice using experience!


        1. Please Contact us to get a trial account.

           Please provide us following information so we can activate an account for you.

           Your domain

           Your Email

           Your name

           Your MSN or Skype


        2. Install LiveReception to your website.

           Click here to know the steps to install LiveReception.


        3. Modify your login name and password.

          Click here to know how to modify login name and password.


        4. Please visit your website and see if LiveReception working.


        5. The brief introduction of LiveReception main interface.

           Main interface introduction.


        6. Try to invite a visitor.

           Initial invitation.


        7. Practice accepting chat request.

           Accept visitor's chat request.


        8. Please learn more codes system, and decide which is your favorite.

           Click here to know more about code system.

           Then paste the new code into your website.


        9. Edit your departments and operators.

           Operator and department settings.


        10. Know more about parameter settings.

           Useful parameter settings.


        11. More settings.

           User guide list.